The pilots in this project are part of DIH HERO
Address challenges imposed by COVID19 in the work of care professionals and daily life of patients.
Within this project we will deploy a robot in 4 different location to demonstrate the use of a robot:
- To scale up autonomous functionality and address user’s COVID 19 challenges
- Prove commercial value (measure time saving and reduced stress levels)
- Turn end users into launching customers
- Establish market traction & investments for Robot-as-a-Service deployment.
- Establish ROSE version A
Test locations:
De Zorggroep
- One of the largest care providers in The Netherlands
- Many residential and care centers
- Support, care and treatment with focus on self-sustainability
St. Marien-Hospital
- 16000 in- and outpatients
- 550 employees
- Geriatrics, internal medicine, neurological and
interdisciplinary early rehabilitation
Broca Living Labs
- Member of APHP, the biggest care organization in France
- Aims for innovative healthcare solutions
Badalona Hospital
- 16 Centers, 1400 staff and 400000 clients
- Offers primary, hospital and mental care
What can Rose do:
- Routine/Inspection tasks
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Physical support
- Expension of skills (LfDT)
Contribution HIT
In this project HIT is the main partner, coordinator and performer of all pilots.