Robot ROSE: DIH HERO C19R Call
At the end of Januari 2023 robot ROSE will have been deployed in 4 different countries for a total of 24 weeks!
ROSE-C19R Call
At the end of januari 2023 robot ROSE will have been deployed in 4 different countries for a total of 24 weeks! She only rested during transport between locations. This video shows some of ROSE’s fundamental capabilities. She was able to be utilized by care professionals in all of the different facilities which supported them, acted as a second pair of eyes and suppressed peak pressure in busy shifts. Heemskerk Innovative Technology performed these deployment trajectories consecutively in:
- Badalona, Spain, at Centre Sociosanitari El Carme, BSA.v
- Cologne, Germany, at St. Marien-Hospital.
- Venlo, The Netherlands, at de Zorggroep.
- Paris, France, at Broca Hospital, supported by Broca Living Lab (BLL).
Thanks to
The ROSE-C19R Covid Response Call project was funded by DIH HERO. Special thanks to the organization for this opportunity. Furthermore, special thanks to all the people at BSA, St. Marien-Hospital, de Zorggroep and BLL for the warm collaboration during the project.
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More information about Robot ROSE:
ROSE is a multi-purpose, semi-autonomous, service robot which aims to support care professionals and provide clients with improved autonomy and sustainable high-quality services. ROSE patrols the hospital wards detecting unusual activity, checks the well-being of patients, responds to requests and transports objects & medical equipment. ROSE communicates with people, activates and entertains them as well as physically supports them by taking on tasks that they are not able to perform themselves. The modular and extendable architecture enables ROSE’s functionalities to easily be adapted to the user’s needs. The hardware platform of ROSE, is TIAGo, the dexterous and versatile robot by our partners PAL Robotics.