Meet Jasper

HiT provided me with the perfect opportunity to work on my biggest inclinations.


Being enthusiastic about technology and robotics, HiT provided me with the perfect opportunity to work on my biggest inclinations.

After finishing my bachelor Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering in The University of Patras in Greece, I came in the Netherlands where I graduated in MSc in Systems and Control from TU Delft .

Initially as an intern and right after my graduation as a regular employee, I am now working at HiT for almost two years.  My main role is developer for the care robot Rose but I also provide technical consultancy for the ITER project and supervise bachelor and MSc students with their thesis.

I love working on pioneering and thriving projects which aim to improve people’s lives and being a part of such an effort fills me with motivation and excitement about my work.

The international, friendly and cozy environment as well as the motivated and skilled colleagues make every day a new wonderful experience.