Doing joint research & development with various parties is not easy.
Doing joint research & development with various parties is not easy. After a promising start of cooperation between companies or research institutes most of the time, despite best intentions, some things go wrong.
Based on a number of questions and different possible arrangements, agreements and documents cooperating parties individually and / or jointly formulate answers for the sake of their joint project.
HIT has extensive experience with:
- International collaboration
Through extensive collaboration with the best scientists in the world in the field of remote handling, robotics, mechatronics and haptics, HIT strengthens the Dutch knowledge society and continues internationally deployable at the border between science and practical application. - Consortium formation
As a typical connector, HIT ensures that companies, institutions and other organizations can find each other to participate in a common activity or unify their resources to achieve a common goal. - Proposals
For development projects and national or international grant programs, HIT can perform the complete formal offer of operation.